acmetool - request certificates from ACME servers automatically


acmetool [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]


acmetool is a utility for the automated retrieval, management and renewal of certificates from ACME server such as Let's Encrypt. It emphasises automation, idempotency and the minimisation of state.

You use acmetool by configuring targets (typically using the "want") command. acmetool then requests certificates as necessary to satisify the configured targets. New certificates are requested where existing ones are soon to expire.

acmetool stores its state in a state directory. It can be specified on invocation via the --state option; otherwise, the path in ACME_STATE_DIR is used, or, failing that, the path "/var/lib/acme" (recommended).

The --xlog options control the logging. The --service options control privilege dropping and daemonization and are applicable only to the redirector subcommand.


--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).

--state=/var/lib/acme Path to the state directory (env: ACME_STATE_DIR)

--hooks=/usr/lib/acme/hooks Path to the notification hooks directory (env: ACME_HOOKS_DIR)

--batch Do not attempt interaction; useful for cron jobs. (acmetool can still obtain responses from a response file, if one was provided.)

--stdio Don't attempt to use console dialogs; fall back to stdio prompts

--response-file=RESPONSE-FILE Read dialog responses from the given file (default: $ACME_STATE_DIR/conf/responses)

--version Print version information

--xlog.facility=XLOG.FACILITY syslog facility to use

--xlog.syslog log to syslog?

--xlog.syslogseverity=XLOG.SYSLOGSEVERITY syslog severity limit

--xlog.journal log to systemd journal?

--xlog.journalseverity=XLOG.JOURNALSEVERITY systemd journal severity limit

--xlog.severity=XLOG.SEVERITY log severity (any syslog severity name or number)

--xlog.file=XLOG.FILE log to filename

--xlog.fileseverity=XLOG.FILESEVERITY file logging severity limit

--xlog.stderr log to stderr?

--xlog.stderrseverity=XLOG.STDERRSEVERITY stderr logging severity limit

--service.cpuprofile=SERVICE.CPUPROFILE Write CPU profile to file

--service.debugserveraddr=SERVICE.DEBUGSERVERADDR Address for debug server to listen on (do not specify a public address) (default: disabled)

--service.uid=SERVICE.UID UID to run as (default: don't drop privileges)

--service.gid=SERVICE.GID GID to run as (default: don't drop privileges)

--service.daemon Run as daemon? (doesn't fork)

--service.stderr Keep stderr open when daemonizing

--service.chroot=SERVICE.CHROOT Chroot to a directory (must set UID, GID) ("/" disables)

--service.pidfile=SERVICE.PIDFILE Write PID to file with given filename and hold a write lock

--service.fork Fork? (implies -daemon)


help [<command>...]

Show help.


Reconcile ACME state, idempotently requesting and renewing certificates to satisfy configured targets.

This is the default command.

cull [<flags>]

Delete expired, unused certificates

-n, --simulate Show which certificates would be deleted without deleting any


Show active configuration

want [<flags>] <hostname>...

Add a target with one or more hostnames

--reconcile Specify --no-reconcile to skip reconcile after adding target

unwant <hostname>...

Modify targets to remove any mentions of the given hostnames

quickstart [<flags>]

Interactively ask some getting started questions (recommended)

--expert Ask more questions in quickstart wizard

redirector [<flags>]

HTTP to HTTPS redirector with challenge response support

--path=PATH Path to serve challenge files from

--challenge-gid=CHALLENGE-GID GID to chgrp the challenge path to (optional)

test-notify [<hostname>...]

Test-execute notification hooks as though given hostnames were updated

import-jwk-account <provider-url> <private-key-file>

Import a JWK account key

import-key <private-key-file>

Import a certificate private key

import-le [<le-state-path*>]

Import a Let's Encrypt client state directory

revoke [<certificate-id-or-path>]

Revoke a certificate


Prints account thumbprints


© 2015 Hugo Landau <> MIT License


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